Anand Rathi
Anand Rathi
Discount Broker

About Broker

Anand Rathi is a comprehensive brokerage firm providing a wide array of financial and advisory services. In addition to broking, they offer wealth management, investment banking, corporate advisory, and other financial solutions. As of March 2024, Anand Rathi serves an active client base of 125,264.

Product Basket

The segments in which you can invest (includes Equity, Commodity, Currency, Futures, and Options) through this broker.


Brokerage Plan

1 or more plans offered by this broker, which outlines, Account opening and maintenance fees charged by this broker, Brokerage charges and Margins provided. Use plan switcher to see the difference in offerings, if multiple plans are available.


Account Opening


Account Maintenance


Call Trade



Equity Delivery

0.20% on order value

Equity Intraday

0.02% on order value

Equity Futures

0.02% on order value

Equity Options

₹100 per order

Currency Futures

₹25 per order

Currency Options

₹25 per order

Commodity Futures

0.02% on order value

Commodity Options

₹25 per order


Equity Delivery

1x As per exchange

Equity Intraday

1x As per exchange

Equity Futures

2x As per exchange

Equity Options

1x As per exchange

Currency Futures

1x As per exchange

Currency Options

1x As per exchange

Commodity Futures

1x As per exchange

Commodity Options

1x As per exchange

Platforms Offered

Set of software & applications offered by the broker for executing buy and sell orders online. These are names of their portals and mobile apps, for full desc- Full Platform Details.

Trade MobiTrade Xpress+Trade X’proTrade X'Pro+

Other Details


Advantages and Strengths of this broker.

  • Allows online investments in IPOs, Mutual Funds, Bonds, and General Insurance through a single platform.
  • Call & Trade services are available without any additional charges.
  • Provides free research, technical reports, and trading recommendations.
  • Offers loans against shares and corporate fixed deposits.
  • NRIs are also welcome to open accounts with Anand Rathi.


Disadvantages of this broker that it needs to improve upon.

  • Brokerage charges are comparatively high and fixed.
  • Extra fees are applicable for premium products and services.
  • Direct mutual fund options are unavailable.
  • Trade Xpro & Trade Lite access is not provided to customers.

Additional Features

Extra features provided by the broker at little or no extra cost, like research reports, SMS alerts, etc.

3-in-1 AccountComplimentary Trading CallsFree Market ResearchSMS NotificationsLeverage FundingCollateral-Based Margin

Additional Features

Extra features provided by the broker at little or no extra cost, like research reports, SMS alerts, etc.

Mutual FundsIPO Investment PlatformDebt Securities (Bonds)ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds)Insurance Services